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Career Pathways and Employee Development


Want to switch careers but worried about taking the plunge? Want to apply but afraid your experience isn’t enough to get you hired? We get it! There’s no single path…[more]

7 Ways to Secure Skilled Manufacturing Talent


With talent shortages rising and the skills gap looming, manufacturers struggle to find the skilled employees they need to keep their businesses growing. Ask any advanced manufacturer about obstacles to…[more]

Growing Engineers


We aren’t in the business of hiring engineers just to squeeze as much work out of them as possible. We’re here to grow and develop engineers, and we consider ourselves…[more]

Brady Sabatino


Brady Sabatino began his journey with Design Ready Controls as an intern from Minnesota State University, Mankato. He continued working part-time with Design Ready Controls until he completed his graduate…[more]

Amanda Gregory


Amanda began her career with Design Ready Controls in 2015 as office manager, but she quickly moved up to Marketing Brand Manager. She oversees all communication—internal and external—including advertising, print…[more]