Intern Spotlight: Parker Schmidgall

Parker Schmidgall

School/Degree: University of Northwestern, Mechanical Engineering

Internship: Mechanical Engineering Intern

Parker is from Hancock, MN and currently studying and playing football at the University of Northwestern. Outside of school and work Parker loves to fish and disc golf, and he also competes in the Dance Company for his University.   

A Sense of Community

Parker’s internship at Design Ready Controls has introduced him to an incredible sense of community that has really shaped his experience. According to Parker, “I love the comradery with my co-workers, they are a lot of fun to work with and are very intelligent… They set a great example and have been very influential for me in the short time I have been here.” 

Using your Resources

One of the biggest lessons Parker has taken away from his internship is the value of being resourceful. Throughout this internship, Parker has realized the importance of collectively working with your co-workers to solve problems, and the importance of getting yourself involved in situations and asking questions. Parker explained this further, saying “I have learned to not always feel like I need to do things by myself… the people around me truly want to help me, which means a lot.” His newfound understanding that seeking guidance and learning from others can be more efficient than navigating a challenge alone.

Favorite Project: Flexi-Bar Kits

According to Parker, his favorite task or project he worked on while at Design Ready Controls was making kits of Flexi-Bar for our Brooklyn Park Facility. Parker viewed this as his favorite task because he was able to take lead on most of the project, from the planning to the tangible product in his hands. He also mentioned that it challenged him, and it was an interesting task to take on himself. 

A Glimpse into Electrical Engineering

Parker’s internship has provided a rare opportunity to gain insights into various aspects of engineering. While majoring in Mechanical Engineering, his internship experience has clarified that he would like to pursue a career in Electrical Engineering post college. Parker is thankful for this opportunity, as it has allowed him to take part in the day-to-day responsibilities of an Electrical Engineer prior to graduating college. He is excited for the road ahead!

Supervisor Reflection

Parker was a great asset to the Mechanical Engineering Team this past summer during his internship.  There were many different projects he assisted with such as standardization of enclosure models, importing enclosure models into out custom machining software, and creating Flexi-Bar kits. We had a great time working with Parker on the Mechanical Engineering Team this summer and wish him the best luck with his senior year in school!

Charles Lauckner, Mechanical Engineering Supervisor